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Hello Everyone!!!!

Blogging or writing blogs is a good idea and a trendy passion for creative people to express their views with the skill of writing. It is an excellent curriculum however it needs to be promoted online to reach more people. Well, to be honest, when I started writing in my earlier days, I was also not familiar with this fact. You can easily make your blog search engine friendly by using some useful tips from my experience that will definitely help you to attract the search engines to crawl through. As we write blogs, articles, journals or any contents we always try to make those get viral between the targeted audiences.

The web world gives you an opportunity to publish your writing to a global audience www (World Wide Web). If we know how to use it, we can connect with the crazy amount of people, worldwide. For that, we need to know 3 things:

  1. What to do? – To make your blog SEO friendly, you have to make a proper strategy
  2. How to do? – You have to know how to apply the strategy in your content.
  3. How to manage post-production? – Now you have to make another strategy to promote.

These are the base points. Now let us dig in the deep.

Keyword Research:

After choosing a topic you have to search for the relevant keywords. As you are doing SEO for your Blog then I assume you know what “Keyword” is. If you don’t have a clear idea about it then I suggest you give a quick look at How To Do Effective Keyword Research: New Trend 2019. Once you have a clear idea about it, only then you can understand why I am suggesting you do proper research on Keywords.

Be sure about your research:

After completing your keyword research, you should verify the result as well. For instance, if you are doing research about the topic of content writer or 10 Best ways to become a better writer, then you should apply your research results in the Google Search Engine and see what kind of articles comes. If you find those related to your topic then you must go for the next step, otherwise, start fresh! There is no shame about it. You will be an expert if you do it repeatedly.

Choose your content title wisely:

First of all, the Search Engine is not human. It tries to understand what the post is all about. Apparently, humans also should understand it. Otherwise, you will not get the needed clicks and it will hurt your post’s SEO. You have to choose the title of the topic by using proper Keyword, the meaning should be clear for the audience and also have to be attractive.

Customize the URL before Publishing:

Let us come to the On-Page SEO part now. The keyword you are including in your content, you should use it in your URL too. That helps search engines to scroll down the content and it is very effective for the ranking as well. For example, if you are writing about 7 Skills That A Good SEO Team Must Have, then your URL should be like-

Heading tags:

H” tags are very important while doing SEO. You have to optimize and do the tags properly. Like, Headline, Meta description, etc. That will go like an H1 tag, H2 tag, H3 tag, etc. This way will help to increase the performance level of your content’s SEO.

Optimize your Image:

Image optimization also helps to increase SEO ranking. Text in your image, behind the image, etc. also helps. Like, before uploading the image you can tag along the page URL. Remember one thing, while adding the text, you should use your primary keyword.

Backlinking & External Linking:

While creating the content, you should use backlinking. It is mainly linking the internal pages with your content. And external linking is, adding topic related pages to your content. But, that page should be from the other websites. Backlinking usually brings the related audience to your page and external linking helps search engines to scroll down your page and improve the ranking.

Meta Description:

It is one of the most important parts of SEO. A little description of the topic; while scrolling down, Google usually looks for the most searched keywords. Meta Description is also one of them, as well; it helps the readers to get a little information about the article. You should use the keywords you have included in your content and give a brief description.

Post Linking:

As I have told you before about the linking process, it is important to link your old post to your new post. So that the readers can click on that and check the post. This way your old posts SEO will also increase and your new one will also get views.


Promotions after posting are very essential. Nowadays, social media has taken a huge place on the internet. Connectivity is easier than ever before!! You should use this platform to connect with people worldwide. Ultimately the main motive is to drag the targeted audience to your content. That’s it!!! This is the easiest and right way to promote. Search the groups, pages, etc. and post your content link. There are many social media like Facebook, G+, Twitter and so on. This platform is easy and effective. Use these technologies as an opportunity.

Technologies have been upgraded and this revolution is beyond the imagination we had before. There are so many opportunities out there. In the end, we want people to share things we have created with the world! That’s what matters the most. I have shared with you some tips to promote your blog automatically to search engines which I have tested as effective for my contents and hopefully, you will also get the expected result soon if you just follow this. Just remember one thing; Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a game of patience for the long run. Keep doing your hard work in a smarter way to succeed!

See you guys in my next article!!