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Do you know what is influencer marketing? It is the marketing form where services or products of brands are promoted with the help of collaborators. The promotions are made for brand awareness, reputation involvement, leads, etc. Influencers are chosen under a particular niche according to their profile, depth of product knowledge, and the very particular area where they suit the best.

You can find many types of influencers like nano, micro, mega, and celebs. They are chosen according to the budget and the requirement of the brand. A few years ago, if you were creating content, the film, media, or sports personalities were the real celebs to look up to for inspiration. Nano and micro celebs, on the other hand, have learnt from their books quickly and are now playing a significant part in shaping the influence culture. In many cases, it is observed that nano or micro-influencers, usually vouch for the brand as they are more trustworthy to the audience than a real-life celeb from a different layer of the world.

Influencer marketing is increasing day by day; the growth is predicted at 17.1% in 2022 over 55.4% involvement last year. Let me tell you some of the latest trends observed in influencer marketing as per follows:

1. Micro and nano influencers found better reach!

You will find nano and micro-influencers have significantly higher engagement rates in influencer marketing by improving their skillset. However, they do not have massive followers compared to real celebs like film stars or sports stars.

Following this trend, you will find employees are the most effective influencers as their contents are authentic and carry brand loyalty to the customers. Your customers consider them the best person to understand the brand and the product. So, their saying becomes more believable. Employee influencers result better with their authentic content and drive loyalty to the audience more easily. Their recommendation comes as the best advice to the audience.

2. Storytelling is the best source of influencer marketing!

According to the marketing genius of all time, Steve Jobs, everyone loves a story. Hence, today’s latest trend in influence marketing is to tell a story. You will find your audience is smart and emotional as well. They love to listen to stories rather than direct product marketing. Your audience always tries to connect with the emotions you portray in your stories. They prefer more drama and sequences to reach the product point. This is one of the best ways to win over the sentiment of consumers so that you can easily win over the selling method.

3. Creating influence with live shopping is a new phenomenon!

Live shopping experience sharing is the latest trend. You will find social commerce, fashion, and lifestyle influencers together creating personalized content with the changes in consumer behavior and changes in their trends.

Myntra Studio's collaboration with the aforementioned specialties has altered the style phenomenon on the platform. The reality is if a live shopping experience is shared with a real product and properly narrated by a top-notch influencer, it poses a high sale value within a short course of time.

4. More with video contents

You have seen that video content has already turned out to be the life of marketing as the media is video savvy. From television or other audio-visual media platforms to Instagram, influencer marketing content is made of video content. You can watch many brands working with television ads and also have formed marketing videos for the latest internet platforms.

The originality of a video is it shows the reality of influencers’ experiences and lives. This liveliness actually brings the originality of the influence to the buyer. Video can make the buyer almost feel like an influencer’s experience with the product that actually injects to purchase.

5. The emergence of new social media tools

If you cannot advertise your influencer marketing content on social media which is the most aggressive platform of recent ages then you are wasting your ads undoubtedly. Active and highly popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others are the most common areas to meet a global audience for your marketing content.

You must consider this to be the most powerful advertisement medium nowadays. Every influence marketing piece posted here reaches millions of audiences within a minimum time sphere. The diversity, audio-visual, and uniqueness of social media just puts a new feather on the cap of influence marketing.


I could only list the five influencer marketing trends that are the most important; I plan to discuss the others in a subsequent blog. There is a more detailed classified discussion of influencers, effects of celeb influencers, and influence materials of conventional advertisement, which will be discussed soon.

Please be aware of one important thing that influences marketing is increasing rapidly in the area of product or service advertisement. However, other marketing instruments are in action in the market. This is considered to be the most trendy and effective medium as its process and effects are becoming extremely meaningful and result oriented. In the same way that fans of celebrities are driven to use products in response to their celebrities' endorsements, people are also motivated by real-life nano or micro influencers by comparing their own situations to theirs.

See you once again with the next part followed by more interesting topics soon.

Till then, Happy Marketing!